My Image


I can't recommend Paul enough for all the good he has brought into my life. I suffer from a cerebral pathology and am by nature stressed out. Every meeting with Paul allows me to soothe and finally get rid of my pains! He helps me to gain both physical and mental strength. The benefits are immediate! After every time we meet, I go away feeling relaxed, calm and positive. He has an immediate and  concrete solution for every problem. I'm more in touch with my body and thus with that which surrounds me as well. Big or small problems alike, everyone should have a Paul in their life! 

Anabelle Grau

The hormone yoga practice with Paul has brought so much vitality and calm. He teaches the postures with such precision and adapts them to your mind and body in order for you to do the routine with perfect concentration and fluidity. Paul gently guides his students with delicate attention. I recommend Paul to both women and men to bring balance to their daily lives.

Anouck Manzoni

Paul, thank you for your authenticity, simplicity and pragmatic nature. Your teachings have allowed me to both progress and also be moved once again by the simple things in life.

Laurence Morard

I have known Paul for about 10 years now and I assure you he is definitely skilled at what he does. He was my teacher in 2011 and is very clear in his way of explaining things and does so with love, respect and humility. He knows his field and moreover seems to be an eternal student. He is a wonderful human and you can trust him 100%! With sincerity and a true desire to help all his students evolve, he is someone who is well balanced on spiritual, intellectual and emotional levels. In the end, he inspires those around him and transmits peace, joy and and a longing to know just what his secret is! ​​​​​​​

Yanin Saavendra

Paul is a caring, patient good listener. He really takes time to explain and make sure we have really understood the techniques and how to integrate them into our lives. Moreover, as he healed himself he shows concrete examples of what he went through and what really works.

Cerise Bonneaud


I'm doing better and better, The physical pains are gone and a clarity of mind with a spirit of letting go has replaced my self-defeating thoughts. My heart is light and I have once again found joy in life!


"During and after the recent yoga hormonal workshop I attended conducted by Paul, I felt my pelvic floor come alive! Starting the practise at home I found it easy to follow and felt uplifted, more focused and productive after just a few days. I am very hopeful that this practise in time will eliminate my perimenpausal symptoms as I am already experiencing the benefits.

Paul also has a lot of expertise in the mind body connection which I feel is such a key component in reducing stress, one of the main causes of hormonal imbalances. I highly recommend what Paul has to offer for anyone interested in bringing vitality back into their bodies and achieving ultimate hormonal health."

Michele Finato

Coaching sessions with Paul have represented an essential stage in my long path towards healing. Having a chronic illness, I could say that both my “mental and physical posture” were out of line. Thanks to Paul’s help, I was able to integrate various exercises that were adapted for me. They allowed me to find the mental resources to get myself on the progressive path towards living a “normal life”. Now these exercises form an integral part of my daily routine and I can definitely say that I have found balance that I didn’t have before. ​​​​​​​

Fatiha Muoiz


Paul is a great teacher that really makes sure that his students retain what is necessary so they can keep progressing at home. It's truly therapeutic for both women and men.

Sara Massutti

Paul's  kindness and good nature are like a balm that restores self-confidence and makes you want to progress.​​​​​​​

Stephanie Hammarstrand


Body  ​​​​​​​Mind  Life 




Balance your hormones naturally while getting or staying in shape easily. Rid yourself of symptoms and stay free of side effects of other therapies

Lighten your emotional load and get more peace and love in your relationships. Feel good about yourself and leave regret, blame and depression behind 

Refresh your body and mind. Relieve chronic pains and spring into your new goals, adventures and pleasures

 I'm proud to say I can help you thrive into and beyond your forties and fifties without cutting out what you love in life.

Have you been trying to enjoy life but something has changed? Are you tired of feeling...

"I can't handle ... anymore,"

"I'm too old for..."

"It's too late for ..."

"I just can't manage to..."..

But what if, with the right training you could handle...?

What if you aren't too old?

What if it isn't too late?

What if you could manage to...?

Wouldn't it be nice if someone could help you to release the elements that have you limiting your life? Wouldn't it be good to be guided through a gradual step by step process?

If so, I’m really glad you are here, because I help people do exactly that - to tap into their natural potential and benefit from their “second wind”. This revitalisation comes on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. It boosts you long after the point that many just give in to negative thought patterns and counterproductive habits.

​​​​​​​The starting point is realising that yes, some things have indeed changed, The next step is to learn what to do about these changes; how to shift mental and physical habits and take up those that serve you NOW.  

Imagine what you could accomplish with all the knowledge and experience you have acquired up until now plus new sources of energy, enthusiasm, openess and peace. Join THE REVITALISE PROGRAM TODAY and connect with the best version of your self. ​​​​​​​






In my 4th year of psychology studies in university, I found myself in an unusual position. 

On the first day, by chance I happened to sit down next to two other guys. After settling in, I took a look around me, and that’s when I knew this was not going to be a typical experience. It turns out that the two men next to me were the ONLY other 2 men in the course….the psychology of women. 

Within 2 weeks, I was the only man left in this large lecture hall, but I was still convinced I had to be there, and was in fact glad to attend. It only seemed natural that what I could not understand by way of direct experience, I should try to understand through genuine interest, education and contact. 

Fast forward to decades later, looking around a beautiful hall in an idyllic Tuscan village, I was yet again the only man in a large group of yoga practitioners studying how to naturally balance female hormones. 

People asked me why I was there, but for me it was simple. My work is about helping people to help themselves — to thrive on physical, mental and emotional levels. Not far from half the people alive are women, and so it’s only natural that I learn as much as I can in order to help such a massive portion of the population!

I have been a student of human health and behaviour for as long as I can remember. As I am a big fan of immersion, I have lived in Norway, Jamaica, Canada, Sweden, USA, Spain, Japan, India, UK and France - all for at least a year, so I could really connect to  the culture and the people. Being (mostly) raised in Canada and born of a Jamaican mother and Norwegian father I can say that a view of connection and oneness is in my blood. 

My education and experience have lead me from everything to my psychology degree, to over 1100 hours of formal education in yoga and yoga therapy, to 330 days of karma yoga service in South India, to music performance with up to 30,000 people in attendance, to private study with Buddhist monks, to the study of hypnosis, strategic intervention coaching and the science behind emotions, to a masters in architectural science (aimed at human health and comfort in buildings) to running training programs for healthcare professionals around the French-Speaking world... 

In the end, it’s true that we can learn a lot from formal studies, but to be honest I have found that consistently opening my mind and body to new challenges and experiences has really been key. In tandem, guiding others to do the same has been the greatest teacher of all. 




My Image


​​​​​​​For all interested in self-healing or the potential that the mind has to change the body, this short book is a must-read. In 2002, I felt my body had given up on me. No health practitioners could help. I had experienced years of crippling back pain, which had left me often walking with a cane and unable to sit for more than a few minutes. Even more concerning was the excruciating eye pain which took away part of my sight for many days. Luckily when I was near my wit's end, I found the right information, applied the right techniques, and gradually made a full recovery.​​​​​​ It was truly the most formative experience of my life, and I share it in detail with you here. - Paul



Please take 2 minutes to tell me about yourself by answering the few questions you will see when you click the green button below.

Getting on the call, you will be speaking with me directly on Skype/WhatsApp for a free 60 minute vitality session. We will spend

this time together and get started on your positive change directly.

In this session we will:

 ​​​​​​ Talk about your story — your strong points, challenges and how you really want to live. I will be all ears. 

  Uncover any hidden challenges that could hold you back from moving forward.

 ​​​​​​​ Make a concrete action plan on how to boost your vitality. This may include hormone yoga or other powerful physical or mental practices and habits.

You will leave this session feeling refreshed, energised and inspired to go for the life you really want….and you will do this for free.

After this session you can decide if you wish to get more coaching or not.

THIS SESSION IS ABSOLUTELY FREE AND WITH NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER. You've got nothing to lose, and I don't bite! It may seem strange to get on the phone with a stranger and talk about your life but this is what I do every day, so for at least one of us, it's perfectly normal!  You can be sure that there will be no judgement, and you will feel good on the call. Let's connect!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​ You feel that having enough energy is harder than it used to be.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ You are over 35 and want to be proactive about your hormone health.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ You want to avoid the weight gain, fatigue and other symptoms associated with menopause and perimenopause.


​​​​​​​ You want to stop breaking promises to yourself. You want more self-control, concentration and willpower to keep you in line with your goals.

​​​​​​​ You want to live and love with openness and vitality​​​​​​​. You want to feel even more than ever before.

​​​​​​​ You want to live healthier without becoming a health fanatic. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ You want to relieve or avoid depression.

​​​​​​​ You want to avoid over-limiting your life because of chronic aches, pains and emotional sensitivities. You don't want to buy into the myth that you have to just 'put up' with these limitations because of your age. 

​​​​​​​ You feel that negative emotions take up too much space in your life. 

​​​​​​​ You want to find new goals and new ways to develop yourself and feel joy.​​​​​​​


​​​​​​​ You want to connect with the best version of yourself and feel self love every day.

​​​​​​​ You want to share that best version of yourself with others​​​​​​​.

​​​​​​​ You want to be proactive in making the next decades the best of your life.

The Revitalise Program is for you if any of these are true:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Contraindications for the Physical Practice



Hyper thyroid,

Breast cancer - before or after surgery​​​​​​​,

​​​​​​​cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery (only with doctor's permission)

Advanced endometriosis,

Psychiatric problems​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Feel Vitality Now 



Thanks for coming by! As promised, here are

5 essentials for thriving into and beyond your 40s and 50s.

Coaching you step by step to new levels of vitality in your body, mind and heart

Your Coach Paul Brundtland

Your Masterclass Here

Body  ​​​​​​​Mind  Life 



​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​Best After Forty, The Revitalise Program and Paul Brundtland are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed professional. I may not make any medical diagnoses, claims and/or substitute for your personal physician’s care. As your coach I do not provide a second opinion or in any way attempt to alter the treatment plans or therapeutic goals/recommendations of your personal physician.If you choose live coaching, it will be my role to partner with you to provide ongoing support and accountability as you create an action plan to meet and maintain your health goals.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Mariame's results after working with me

Many more inspirational testimonials coming later on this page, but first...

5 Reasons to Get Coached Live in a Vitality Session

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